Thursday, July 3, 2014

RWI 2014 Dirty Dozen

We welcome two new members, Craig Hom, an old classmate from Asa Mercer, and Dennis Koe, from Troup 254, and a cousin of Fred & Dale.  The courses this year were Canyon Lakes  in Kennewick, Wine Valley in Walla Walla, and Horn Rapids in Richland.  In addition to golf we did a little wine tasting and brought home some local Walla Walla onions & Yakima cherries.

"Green Ball" Champs
June 28, Saturday, Round 1 - Canyon Lakes: Pink Ball

Pink Ball Winner (not lost) Benny & the Jets: Benny, Frank, Dionnie, Fred
Pink ball lost #3 Class of '70: Calvin, Dicky, Dave, Jack
Pink ball lost #3 Dale's Pale Ale: Dale, Norm, Dennis, Craig

June 29, Sunday, Round 2 - Wine Valley: Hi Lo

Team Black:  Benny, Richard, Norm, Jack, Dionnie, Dale wins 3-2 over
Team Red: Craig, Dennis, Calvin, Fred, Dave, Frank

June 30, Monday, Horn Rapids: Scramble

Benny, Calvin, Dionnie, Jack   69
Craig, Dave, Dennis, Norm      72
Dale, Frank, Fred, Richard       75
(Note: The first place team gave three strokes in parimutual betting only. However, the strokes do not count in the RWI results. The second place team won the bet in the fifth tiebreaker. )

Canyon Lakes - #7 Dale, #12 Jack
Wine Valley - #6 Dionnie, #11 Dale
Horn Rapids - # 15 Calvin, #17 Craig

Prime rib dinner at the Crows nest
Getting wild & crazy

Waterbrook Winery

Where's the babes?